Build GraphQL Services with Spring Boot like Netflix


Netflix uses GraphQL and the DGS framework (recently fully integrated with Spring GraphQL) as their primary architecture. In this talk, you’ll learn everything you need to know to do the same.

This talk is a deep dive into implementing GraphQL services with Spring Boot and the DGS framework. You’ll learn about GraphQL schemas and how to implement them.

While we’ll spend some time on the fundamentals, the goal of the presentation is to look at more advanced scenarios you’ll run into, such as batch loading, nested data fetchers, error handling, threading and parallel data fetching, and testing.

GraphQL services are great on their own, but things really get exciting when using GraphQL federation in a microservices ecosystem. That’s why we’ll also discuss federation and how to make your service work in a federated architecture!

Speaking to you

Paul Bakker
Paul is a Staff Engineer at Netflix on the Java Platform team, working on making the Netflix developer experience great. Besides his love for writing code, he has a passion for sharing knowledge. He has published two books with O’Reilly: Modular Cloud Apps with OSGi, published in 2013, and Java 9 Modularity, published in September 2017. Both books are about modularity in Java. Paul loves to speak at tech conferences, and he has presented at numerous conferences around the world about a wide variety of topics.