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Testcontainers – From Zero to Hero. By ‪@MarcoCodes‬
In this #noslides live-coding session, we will learn about Testcontainers from the ground up. We will get started with Testcontainers to boot up simple database containers for integration testing, use it for local development as a replacement for docker-compose, and cover how it fits into modern CI pipelines. We highly recommend this session to any developer who wants to make the most out of using Docker containers for reliable and reproducible database, integration, or UI tests. Speaker: Marco Behler Marco works as a developer advocate at JetBrains. Based in Munich, Germany, he has over ten years of experience consulting in the Java and Spring ecosystems. He loves to share his knowledge about writing and building awesome software through guides, tweets, books, and talks.

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IntelliJ IDEA, a JetBrains IDE

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