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Building Themes for IntelliJ-based IDEs
More than 200 themes are available for IntelliJ-based IDEs on JetBrains Marketplace. But if you can’t find one that offers the specific look and feel you want for your IDE, you can create your own IDE theme plugin. For example, you can define UI control colors, change background images, add custom icons, and provide custom editor schemes. In this new episode of the Busy Plugin Developers webinar, Jakub Chrzanowski will demonstrate the customization possibilities of IntelliJ-based IDEs and guide you through the process of creating an IDE theme and publishing it on JetBrains Marketplace. We’ll also share the latest updates to the Marketplace itself, focusing in particular on how we changed the UI to improve the plugin vendor experience. Agenda: 0:00 Intro 1:33 JetBrains Marketplace Updates 3:34 Analytics tab demo 5:55 IntelliJ Platform Explorer 7:44 Adding Custom Contacts to a plugin page 9:38 Themes in IntelliJ-based IDEs 13:19 Creating a theme using the IntelliJ Platform Plugin Template 17:40 Creating themeProvider extension point 27:07 UI Inspector 29:34 Look and Feel Defaults 32:56 Creating editor scheme 44:20 Extending existing syntax highlighting with Annotator 1:02:45 IntelliJ Platform Explorer #IDEThemes #IntelliJPlatform #JetBrainsMarketplace #BusyPluginDevelopers Host: Yann Cébron, IntelliJ SDK Developer Advocate   / yanncebron   Speakers: Jakub Chrzanowski, IntelliJ SDK Developer Advocate and Marketplace Product Team Lead, JetBrains   / hszanowski   Anna Maltceva JetBrains Marketplace Marketing Specialist Links and resources: Learn more about the SDK: Visit the Marketplace: IntelliJ Platform Explorer: IntelliJ Platform Plugin Template: Marketplace documentation: Talk to us on Slack: Follow us on Twitter:   / jbplatform   Read our Blog:

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