JetBrains Newsletter

January 2018

Before getting started with our January 2018 newsletter, we would like to take this opportunity to wish you a very happy and successful new year! Without further ado, here are the highlights from the last month.

ReSharper Ultimate 2017.3

ReSharper Ultimate 2017.3 is out bringing brand new debugger features, Performance Guide, enhanced code formatter, Go to Breakpoints menu, C# 6 and 7 support in Extract Method refactoring, Clang-Tidy integration, profiling async code, and more.

Rider 2017.3

.​NET developers rejoice; we have just released Rider 2017.3! Debugging third-party code, Smart Step Into, return values in locals, more .​NET debugger updates, new project wizard, C# Interactive, better Unity support, reworked formatter, and performance improvements.

Developer Ecosystem Survey 2018

Developer Ecosystem Survey 2018

We’re running our annual Developer Ecosystem Survey again to figure out how the developer world is evolving, and better understand developers and their current needs. As always, once completed, we will share all the results and raffle some great prizes. Take 2018 Developer Ecosystem Survey.

Product News and Releases

TeamCity 2017.2.1 — The first update of our latest version, is out! It fixes over 100 issues, plus there's important update for those using TeamCity with GitHub.

PhpStorm 2017.3.1 and 2017.3.2 — Support variables in Authorization header, Basic and Digest authentication in REST Client as well as bug fixes. Read the blog posts to learn more.

MPS 2017.3.2 — The MPS team worked right through to the end of December, to finish on a high note with the last release of MPS 2017. We listened to all your input, which resulted in a lot of bug fixes in this version.

MicroPython Plugin for PyCharm — This plugin lets you edit your MicroPython code and interact with your MicroPython-powered microcontrollers using PyCharm. It supports ESP8266, Pyboard, and BBC Micro:bit devices.

2017 In Review: Task & Project Management Trends — We've collected the most interesting trends in YouTrack usage through 2017 and are excited to share them with you.

Community and Events

MongoDB Quickstart with Python and PyCharm — Join Michael Kennedy from Talk Python Podcast on January 30th for a free live webinar on MongoDB Quickstart with Python and PyCharm.

Technological Highlights

Java Annotated Monthly: January — This issue highlights posts about what the future of Java might be. You'll also find a list of some interesting articles from the Java community.

PHP Annotated Monthly: January — Gary Hockin rounds up the latest news from the PHP community, check out our regular digest - January edition.

C++ Annotated: Sep – Dec 2017 — C++ news from the last 4 months of 2017 in one edition. Conferences trip reports, articles about functional programming in C++, STL, weak pointers and more, interviews with Matt Godbolt and Herb Sutter.

Learning Resources

Debugging Third-Party Code with Rider — Debugging third-party .​NET code is easier than ever with Rider. You can step through and set breakpoints in assemblies that Rider decompiles on-the-fly, all out of the box.

CLion for Embedded Development Part II — This is the second guest blog post by Ilya Motornyy about programming for microcontrollers in CLion. Get acquainted with OpenOCD and STM32CubeMX support in CLion via plugin and watch a live demo.

What's New in TeamCity 2017.2 — Watch this webinar recording to learn how the Docker-specific build runners and the new Docker support build features work; the built-in .NET CLI support for building the .NET Core projects; the new composite builds for aggregating build results; as well as the default and multiple templates.

Tweak the Recipe for Agile Development — In this webinar recording, we show you how we at JetBrains "bake" agile boards in YouTrack for different teams like Product Development, Marketing, Design, and Technical Writing.

Make It Workflow Blog Series — Learn how to support various business processes using custom workflows in YouTrack.

Working with Vue.js Apps — Find out how WebStorm, IntelliJ IDEA, PhpStorm, and other JetBrains IDEs can help you to develop a Vue.js application: add new components, work with the code and debug it.

Debugging JavaScript with WebStorm 2017.3 — You can now use Chrome DevTools and WebStorm's JavaScript debugger at the same time. Moreover, you now don’t need an additional browser extension for debugging.

Developing Cloud Applications with PyCharm — A new PyCharm blog series is underway. In the last two blog posts, we discussed how to set up a local VM-based development environment using Vagrant, then build a Flask-RESTful app within this environment. The most recent post will take our app to AWS.

Install PhpStorm with Snaps — Exciting news for Linux users! You can now use snaps to install PhpStorm builds. Snaps will update your app automatically, and you’ll always have a fresh PhpStorm build right out of the oven.

Twig Handling Improvements in PhpStorm — PhpStorm provides native support for Twig templates, and with version 2017.3 it just got better.

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JetBrains s.r.o.
Na hrebenech II 1718/10
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Czech Republic

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