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We’d like to share the latest mobile industry news, as well as opinions from mobile development experts. The theme of this newsletter is “Mobile Development and ChatGPT.”

Is it possible to create an entire mobile app using ChatGPT?

ChatGPT and various AI-based technologies have been hot topics lately. Some people are saying that ChatGPT helps boost their productivity, enhance their work, and accomplish certain tasks faster. The author of this article conducted an experiment using ChatGPT to create an entire mobile app for meditation.

Check out the key takeaways:

  • While ChatGPT can’t generate source code for an entire application from a single prompt, it can create a step-by-step guide on how to create an app for a specific system. Each of these steps can be used as a prompt for ChatGPT.
  • ChatGPT’s output still needs to be analyzed by a human. In most cases, you’ll need to fine-tune or adjust the result generated by the tool.
  • ChatGPT falls short in generating media content due to its text-based nature. However, you can use it to create prompts for tools such as Midjourney and DALL-E 2 to produce the right images for you.
  • ChatGPT definitely can’t replace developers and designers. But it can be a powerful tool for idea generation, task execution, and problem-solving.

Meanwhile, we asked mobile development experts if they’re using ChatGPT in their daily tasks and how the evolution of AI and neural networks will impact mobile development in the future.


Philipp Lackner, Freelance

Native Android Developer

I personally use ChatGPT on a daily basis and think there’s a huge advantage to using it. It helps me code a lot faster, especially when writing more difficult logic which can then be verified with test cases (which can also be written by ChatGPT). I don't think an LLM like ChatGPT will take over the job of a mobile developer, but it will remain a big help. It still requires expertise and experience to validate its outputs, but if it's paired with that, mobile developers who use it will have a big advantage over those who don't.

I still think that it might be able to do work from less experienced developers better, which is why it'll become more and more important to focus on what AI can't do: empathy and communication in a team and other soft skills, like being able to sell and market yourself in front of clients and companies. Without strengthening these soft skills, I think it'll become harder in future to find a job as a Junior Developer.

Pamela Hill

Pamela Hill, JetBrains

Kotlin Developer Advocate

ChatGPT and other generative AI technologies are poised to change how mobile developers work. By taking on simple, repetitive, or tedious tasks, these technologies can free up developers to focus on more complex and fulfilling work. With ChatGPT, developers can delegate tasks such as writing simple code (perhaps illustrating how to use a new language or library), creating documentation based on code, and suggesting unit tests.

However, it’s worth noting that ChatGPT has its limitations, especially in the rapidly evolving world of mobile development. My experiments centered around Kotlin Multiplatform, a mobile technology that is still being stabilized with a rapidly evolving ecosystem. I found that ChatGPT struggled to suggest good solutions to common problems. While some results were reasonable, others were outdated or downright bizarre. It’s essential for developers to stay up to date with the latest advancements in mobile development and to be discerning when it comes to choosing the best solutions.

Despite these limitations, I believe that generative AI will ultimately make us more efficient and fulfilled in our work. By freeing us from tedious and repetitive tasks, ChatGPT and similar technologies will enable us to focus on more meaningful and creative work. While change is on the horizon, it’s definitely going to be a change for the better!

Kevin Galligan

Kevin Galligan, Touchlab

Technology Partner, Kotlin GDE

We are at the very early stage of what these tools can do. There is currently a lot of hype around AI and its potential future impact. Expectations range from “all developers will be out of a job in 5 years” to “we’ve heard this kind of stuff before, it won’t matter”. Reality will likely fall somewhere in between.

For code generation, LLM tools are good at generating boilerplate code, but huge communities exist to make libraries and improve tooling, largely to avoid this type of code. Asking ChatGPT to write a sort function is interesting, but nobody writes sort functions. Time will tell how much of the gap between standard tooling and libraries can be filled with generative LLM models. However, AI is a big thing, including more than just code generation. When it comes to automation of UI testing, scanning code for potential bugs, and even smart API and backend construction, we don’t know what solutions these technologies will lead to. However, I feel very safe in predicting that these tools will be assistive in nature, and they won’t bring about the “end of code” and certainly not the “end of the coder”. If anything, demand for good practitioners will likely increase.

There are many non-tech industries that have a lot of room for improvement from a technology perspective, and more efficient development simply means more opportunities to work on problems that were previously cost prohibitive.

What else to read

The authors’ views are entirely their own and do not necessarily reflect the views of JetBrains.

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