JetBrains Newsletter

June 2023

TeamCity 2023.05 comes with several highly anticipated features, including a dark theme, terminal access to agents, and multi-node setup enhancements.

We’ve rolled out new features and product enhancements as part of the Early Access Program for v2023.2. These updates are now available for you to explore.

In October 2023, we're hosting another JetBrains GameDev Day – a free, live, virtual event where community speakers cover topics that they are passionate about. We're looking to offer our attendees valuable technical gamedev content mixed with speakers' experiences with specific tools and technologies. Interested? Apply by June 22!

Indulge your curiosity about the evolving tech community. Take our survey and join a conversation shaping the future of technology. Did we mention you'll also get a chance to win an amazing prize?

Product and Community News

Compose Multiplatform for iOS Is in Alpha →
Compose Multiplatform, the declarative framework from JetBrains for building cross-platform user interfaces with Kotlin, is now able to target iOS. Create shared UIs using Kotlin and unify your development experience across Android and iOS. Try it out for yourself in your experiments and toy projects.

JetBrains Aqua Now Supports Playwright and Cypress →
Designed to meet the daily needs of test automation engineers, Aqua now provides long-awaited support for the Playwright and Cypress frameworks in a preview release.

Introducing Polaris Code Search Plugin →
Polaris is a brand-new code search tool designed to help you find relevant code snippets and learn from examples implemented by other developers within the IntelliJ Platform and IntelliJ-based open-source plugins. Preview it today.

JetBrains Academy: 10 New Projects and 53 New Topics in June →
Calling all aspiring coders! Check out new projects for Python, Frontend, Kotlin, and Java learners in our June update.

C++ for Beginners: Build a 2D Arcade Game From Scratch →
The second of 5 modules in the free C++ course on JetBrains Academy has arrived. After covering basic programming primitives in module 1, get ready to master manual memory management to level up your 2D arcade game with dynamic objects.

PHP Turned 28! →
On June 8, PHP celebrated its 28th birthday. We are congratulating the entire PHP community and sharing a new music playlist created by PHP devs, devotees, and advocates. Check it out and enjoy on Spotify and YouTube Music!

Technology Highlights

Java Annotated Monthly, June '23 →
This edition is all about the planned features for JDK 21 and getting a glimpse into the future of Java! It's also packed with intriguing tutorials on Java and related technologies.

.​​NET Annotated Monthly, June '23 →
June's edition of .​​NET Annotated includes a message to the community from JetBrains Developer Advocate, Khalid Abuhakmeh, along with the latest in .​​NET news, tips, tricks, and more.

Busy Plugin Developers Newsletter – Spring →
Read on to discover which updates have been introduced to JetBrains Marketplace and plugin development tooling over the last quarter.

Webinars and Online Events

Launch Your Kotlin Course With New Materials for Educators, June 21 →
Looking to launch your own Kotlin course? Good! We've got all the tools you need to get going! Join Anastasia Birillo, a JetBrains researcher and Kotlin instructor, and learn about the new materials for educators.

Building Payment Flows With Stripe and Azure, Recording →
Watch the recording of our webinar with Stripe Staff Developer Advocate, Cecil Phillip, to learn what kinds of things you should consider when adding payment functionality to your .​​NET applications.

Learning Resources

How to Use Dart and Flutter Package Repositories in Space →
Building a Dart or Flutter application? Keep your code and package dependencies safe with Space! Easily store, manage, and share Dart packages within your organization.

What's New in IntelliJ IDEA 2023.1 for Spring Developers →
This article focuses on the key updates for Spring developers in v2023.1. These include highly anticipated Lombok support, a revamped Spring tool window, enhanced navigation for Spring Security rules, and more.

How to Work With Protobuf-Maven Projects in IntelliJ IDEA →
Protobuf, also known as Protocol Buffers, is a data serialization format created by Google. It offers a language-agnostic solution for efficiently serializing structured data, enabling seamless communication between different systems and programming languages. If you're curious about the potential of working with Protobuf in IntelliJ IDEA, this article is a must-read, providing valuable insights into its capabilities.

How Docker Fast Mode Works in Rider →
JetBrains Rider's Docker fast mode helps speed up the feedback loop when building, debugging, and running containerized applications. Check out what Rider does under the hood to make fast mode work and how it launches your containers when you start a run configuration.

Level Up With Live Templates in JetBrains Rider →
Live templates help you reduce boilerplate by offering generalized quick-fixes and specialized templates for you and your team. Learn how to create a new live template with placeholder variables and share the templates with other project members.

Introduction to ASP.​​NET Core Minimal APIs →
This post explores why it makes sense to use minimal APIs, the programming model compared to ASP.​​NET Core MVC, and how you can best utilize its programming model features.